
Visitors and newcomers are always warmly welcomed at Trinity services. There is an easy sloping pathway to the main entrance of the church which affords access. The church is fitted with an induction loop for hearing aid users. There are boxes of toys for toddlers in the Welcome Area to which the service is clearly relayed enabling parents to stay with their small children if they wish.

Trinity Sanctuary seen from the Welcome Area

10.30 am Family Worship, Junior Church and Holy Communion

JAM (Jesus and Me) happens on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, when children and young people worship with the adult congregation for 20 minutes or so and then move to the hall to continue their activities in Junior Church. Visiting children are welcome to go over to Junior Church.

For All-Age services and on special occasions (eg Harvest, Easter) the children and young people remain for the whole service.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated each month.

Guest preachers are invited for services on special topics or themes eg mission. Members of the congregation participate in every service by reading the lessons. Members also lead some services.

Each week members of the congregation bring gifts of food for the Abingdon Food Bank.

Following the service, everyone is welcome to stay on for a friendly chat. Coffee and tea are served in the church.

Trinity work closely with All Saints Methodist Church and Abingdon Baptist Church and sometimes share some special services.

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