Trinity Church invites the community for their Harvest Festival Service on 29th September at 10.30 am. Food donations will go to the Abingdon Food Bank. Financial Contributions will go to Asylum Welcome. The service will be led by our new Minister: Revd Georgina Bondzi-Simpson.
Food Bank regularly need the following food items
Tinned soup
Sauces for rice eg curry, sweet and sour etc
Small tinned baked beans or spaghetti hoops etc
Shower gel for men
Sturdy carrier bags
Washing up liquid
Cartons of long life fruit juice
Bottles of squash
All Saints Church was full as people gathered to welcome Revd Georgina Bondzi-Simpson as the Minister of All Saints and Trinity churches. The Welcome Service had rousing music and powerful messages.
The presentation of Revd Georgina was a highlight of the service. She was warmly welcomed by representatives of the churches in Abingdon and beyond, as well as by the Deputy Mayor of Abingdon, Councillor Rawda Jehanli. Revd Georgina made some formal commitments, and then in her own words shared an important experiences as a student minister and emphasized the importance of love and service in her ministry.
The service concluded with the sharing of the bread and wine in communion.
Following the service, people enjoyed delicious cakes and had the opportunity to talk with one another.
On Sunday, August 25th, a plaque was unveiled above the Trinity organ in honour of Nigel Payne, who served as the church’s organist from 1982 to 2023. The service, led by Deacon Selina Nesbitt, included a lively atmosphere with a large baptism party.
Nigel, known for his love of music, expressed his appreciation for the plaque, joking that it’s typically reserved for those who have passed away. The service had the theme of music in worship and featured two of Nigel’s favourite hymns, “Lord, for the years” and one sung to the tune of “Londonderry Air.” Nigel’s musical talents extended beyond the organ, as he often played the piano before services, sharing a variety of classical, spiritual, and popular hymns, and always keeping people guessing.
Nigel joins two other retired Trinity organists’ with a plaque in the Trinity organ hall of fame: Robert West Langford (1897-1949) and Tony Garrard (1981-2009).
We are delighted that our new Minister, Revd. Georgina Bondzi-Simpson will be joining our Circuit in September.
You are invited to attend Georgina’s welcome service on Saturday 31st August at 3.00 pm which will be held at All Saints Methodist Church, Abingdon.
This will be marking a new chapter in the life of both All Saints and Trinity churches in Abingdon. As a Circuit event attended by those in the wider community, also present will be our new Chair of District, Revd. Dr. Sonia Hicks.
Tea and cake will be served following the service in the church hall.
Trinity Church has chosen The Mines Advisory Group (MAG) as their charity for 2024. MAG is a humanitarian organization that removes landmines and unexploded ordnance in conflict zones. They also educate people about the dangers and work to prevent armed violence. Since 1989, MAG has helped millions of people rebuild their lives after war. See
Trinity Learning’s annual Experience Easter event offered hundreds of children a chance to learn about Easter. Volunteers prepared for two weeks, decorating the church and creating activity materials. Storytellers helped children participate in activities and reflect on the Easter story. Over 500 children participated and schools provided positive feedback about the program.
See Trinity Learning for more activities.