South Oxfordshire Methodists

Trinity Church Abingdon


Mission Statement: "Serving God, serving each other, serving community. "


Serving Elders exercise regular pastoral care over all members and friends who attend Trinity. Each Elder has a pastoral group which he or she visits on a monthly basis to deliver 'Triangle' (the church magazine) and through these visits the Senior Elder and Interim Moderator can be alerted to any special need which may require further action.


Church Stewards are in attendance at Services to organise the proceedings. One Steward is there for welcoming and attending on the preacher before and after the service. A second Steward welcomes and attends to the congregation. A third Steward organises the books and service sheets. The role of Steward has grown from the Methodist tradition.

Mission Group

A Mission Group meets regularly to plan mission services, co-ordinate an annual programme of special envelope collections for various charitable causes and to cooperate with local and national concerns, and to run a Tradicraft Stall.

Mission Group

Home Groups

A large number of Trinity members and friends are now taking part in Home Groups which meet for a short series of Bible-based discussion around issues relating to a particular theme. There are some 5 groups meeting in various homes, day-time and evening, and the average size of a group is 8 to 10 people.

Thursday Group

Second Thursday of the month and starts at 7.30. A monthly meeting on Thursday for ladies which is well supported and enjoys a varied programme of talks, visits and craft work, and occasional parties. The group also organises the two Church Fairs which provide very important funds for specific causes. Meetings are either in the Conduit Centre, members' houses or other venues.

Church Choir

Practices are held on Friday evenings in the church when the choir rehearses the hymns, introit and anthem to be sung the following Sunday morning, and prepares other special music. New singers will be warmly welcomed in all voices to help maintain this important regular commitment towards the quality of worship at Trinity. .


Evergreen Club

Members gather on the third Monday afternoon of each month in the Conduit Centre hall for a varied programme of speakers and entertainment. Refreshments are served and transport to and from home can be provided. About one third of the club members attend Trinity for Sunday worship and the remainder come from a wide area of the town so that this is an important part of the church's outreach in the community.
